Hello my dedicated followers! Welcome to the forums (run by yours truly)! This place works kinda like my discord, except it's more for posting your thoughts rather than instant messaging. Both places will be checked and maintained regularly. So yeah! write about stuff, talk about stuff, debate on the reason as to why W7MPG has been in development for almost a full year yet little progress has actually been made (at least I'm being honest). So yeah, to get started, create an account (sign in button is on the top of the site) and start posting! I'll probably post my game updates here, too. This is just another extra thing to help connect the "community" and maybe get some feedback on my work. Just make sure you read the rules before posting whatever controversial/serious/funny/lol random stuff you have in mind. Alright, I'll leave you at that. Happy posting!
P.S. Plz provide your feedback by commenting on this post. k thnx bye.