Rule #1: No spam - your posts will be deleted and your account will be suspended.
Rule #2: Be nice - Do not say harsh things about other members
Rule #3: Do not post things that others may find offensive
Rule #4: Use common sense
Rule #5: Do not try to impersonate staff - If the username has a crown next to it, it's me (Tom). If the username has a star next to it, it's a mod. Very simple.
Rule #6: Don't use autism as an insult.
Rule #7: Please comply with a mods instructions, if given any.
Rule #8: Do not abuse your privileges if you're a mod - Failing to do so will result in your account being un-modded.
Rule #9: Do not give out personal information to anyone - This forum is for discussion, not for arranging physical events.
Rule #10: Do not post anything illegal - Doing so will result in your account being permanently suspended, no questions asked.
Rule #11: Do not create multiple accounts (staff are exempt from this rule)
-You must have a Thomas Dwyer Games account to write posts
-Please note that post titles have a character limit of 60 characters.
-Like mentioned above, if it has a crown next to the username, it's me (Thomas Dwyer), and if it has a star, it's a mod. If someone with a similar username comments or posts something and it dosen't have the crown/star, it's not a staff member!
-If a post has a ribbon next to it, that means it is a featured (pinned) post. If a post has a lock next to it, that means the post is locked.
-For shorter messaging, I have a discord server, which you can join by clicking the button on the home page. ;)
-If you see another user violating any of these rules, you can report users by clicking on their account, clicking the three-dot button and selecting "Report member". Your report will be viewed by me or a mod and, if valid, we will take necessary action against the user.
-All posts are subject to deletion in the event that we need to free up space on our servers.
-You can enable/disable email notifications in settings.
Thanks for checking in and let me know if I missed anything! :D